Diablo 4 intra -game store will recommend microtransactions based on data collected during the game

Blizzard revealed the principle of monetization operation in Diablo 4, including a new technology that sets up an intra -game store for individual tastes of the player. Although the fans of the saga in general liked the Diablo 4 gameplay, many were afraid of combat passes and premium cosmetics, especially in the light of a several controversial monetization system Overwatch 2.

In the in -game microtransactions store in Diablo 4, platinum will be used as a premium currency, which will allow players to directly purchase cosmetics that are unique to each of the five classes presented in the game at the moment. According to Blizzard, the store will often change its assortment, and will also have a system of combat gaps: standard, premium and accelerated options. Diablo 4 can be purchased exclusively for platinum, and although players with an accelerated military pass for $ 24.99 will receive a twenty-level head start in earning a platinum currency due to premium-level, Rod Ferguson clarified that this will not be enough for a direct purchase of the next combat pass as it happens in such free-to-Play games as Fortnite.

One of the features of the Diablo 4 house -game store, which attracted the attention of the community, became "Intellectual information", described in the Blizzard message on the blog about what to expect from Diablo 4 after launch. Namely, the store will collect information about your favorite account class, as well as about aesthetics to which a person gravitates. Using these data, the store will definitely offer the player possible premium purchase, while he explores the apocalyptic wastelands of the sanctuary, destroying the hordes of demons at the level of the complexity of the world.

From the point of view of business, the creation of a dynamic in -game store, focused on the player, is a brilliant idea, since it stimulates expenses and increases the company’s income from its product. However, from the point of view of the consumer, the Diablo 4 community is concerned about how much obsessive and predatory offers will be offered, because Diablo Immortal is notorily known for aggressive microtransactions.

Although many players like Diablo 4 as a game, the main source of fears remains in its price as a premium game with living maintenance. Openness of Blizzard Entertainment regarding its plans for Diablo 4, both in relation to extensions and in relation to monetization, which will maintain the game for many years, deserves praise. The popularity of the franchise and the honed gameplay Diablo 4 are able to provide sequel financial and critical success. However, ultimately, it remains to find out how the old -school players Diablo adapt to new conditions.